Grant Applications

Grants are open to established nonprofit organizations, arts organizations, or other organizations involved in arts related activities. Applicants must reside or operate in Kern County. Project Grants are available from the Arts Council Of Kern in amounts from $500 – $2,500.

What We Do Not Fund

● As applicants:
○ City, County or State agencies
○ Federal agencies
○ Non-arts organizations not involved in arts activities
○ For-profit organizations or individuals, unless in collaboration with a nonprofit arts organization to provide community benefit.

● Nonprofit organizations not in “good standing” with California Secretary of State
● Former grantee organizations not in compliance with ACK grant requirements, such as failing to submit a final report (as stipulated in grant agreement)
● Expenses incurred before the start date or after the ending date of the Grant Activity Period
● Operational, administrative, or indirect costs of schools, colleges, or universities
● Fundraising activities or services such as grant writing, annual campaigns, or fundraising events *
● Lobbying activities that are intended to influence the actions, policies, or decisions of government officials or specific legislation *
● Programs or services intended for private use, or for use by a restricted membership
● Projects with religious or political purpose
● Trusts, endowment funds, or investments
● Construction projects, purchase of land and buildings, or capital expenditures used to maintain, upgrade, acquire, or repair capital assets
● Equipment purchases (equipment rentals are eligible)
● Debt repayment
● Hospitality expenses, meals, or food
● Out-of-state travel

*Technical support is available independent of the Community Grants Program.