

First Friday ArtWalk

First Friday ArtWalk is back!
Join us as a vendor (we’d love to have you aboard) or visitor (so much to explore and enjoy). Located downtown Bakersfield at
19th and Eye Street.

The next date is October 6th.


Stories On
The Sidewalk

The past comes alive on the streets of Bakersfield with an interactive journey through the history of Kern County. This live theatre experience centers around actors playing the parts of some of our area’s most famous – and infamous – residents greet visitors at each of eleven stops spread throughout downtown. Beginning at the Arts Council of Kern, colorful characters like Colonel Thomas Baker, Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren, Madge the Madam, the devious outlaw Dick Fellows, and many others chart a path through some of the most exciting stories in Kern’s rich history. 

Tours begin at 10AM and end at 3:30PM each day


Kern County staple —

Plein Air Painting Festival

For almost a decade, The Plein Air Painting Festival has been a staple of Kern County’s cultural calendar. Derived from the French practice of painting landscape pictures outdoors, plein air painting has evolved into an immersive practice of creating art in the public sphere.

coming soon!

Celebrate together —

Oleander Pride

Already a historically scenic neighborhood, Oleander is getting a little more pizazz this Saturday during Oleander Pride.

The community event invites residents to decorate their yards with displays of inclusion and support for the LGBTQ community. Attendees can view these displays as well as art created by artists.

new date!



Saturday, July 23rd 11:30 am —

ACK Listening Tour

What should it do? Are we doing it? and How do we do it together? Your participation and feedback will be used to build future ACK programs, create a platform to showcase artist

sign up, join in

first friday



Permits and Vendor location assignments will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Vendors must apply for their First Friday Art Walk Vendor Permit and meet specific requirements (See permit application requirements) before receiving their permit and designated location.