Poet Laureate

Nominations are due by Jan. 31st, 2024

By Mail: 3801 Chester Ave. Bakersfield CA 93301

By Email: [email protected]

Self-nominations are not permitted.

What is a Poet Laureate?

A Poet Laureate is a distinguished poet appointed to represent a specific geographic area, such as a city or country, in promoting and celebrating the art of poetry. This honorary position recognizes the individual’s literary achievements and contributions to the cultural landscape. Poets Laureate often engage in activities that foster a greater appreciation for poetry, including public readings, educational initiatives, and the creation of new works that reflect the spirit of their appointed region.

What Does it Mean to be Nominated?
Being nominated for Poet Laureate is a unique opportunity to showcase an individual who has demonstrated a commitment to the literary arts through poetry.

Who is to be Honored?
The person honored with the title of Poet Laureate has achieved prominence in the field of poetry through public performances and through published works of poetry.

The Mission of Kern Poet Laureate
Poet Laureate helps to promote an appreciation of poetry as a literary art for listeners, readers, and writers of poetry by raising awareness of poetry as a literary art in Kern County.

Who May Be Nominated?
The nominee must be a current resident of, or work in the County of Kern and its environs for at least five years.

Nominees Must Meet Certain Criteria
• Must have a proven history of substantial publication of individual poems and/or books.

• Must be connected to Kern County by influence on other writers in the community.

• Must be able to demonstrate appreciation for Kern County with regard to its culturally diverse community.

• Have an established history of activity in the Kern County literary community, i.e. readings, publications, public presentations, and/or teaching.

When are Nominations Due?
Nominations are due by Jan. 31st, 2024

By Mail: 3801 Chester Ave. Bakersfield CA 93301

By Email: [email protected]

Self-nominations are not permitted.